Basic Building Blocks

“Be mindful.  Be grateful.  Be true.  Be kind.”  -Roy T Bennett

It is the little things that compound and create the great ones.

Galaxies are made of stars.  Made of atoms.  Composed of quarks, nodes of energy.  The entire Universe is built up from the unimaginably small.

The little things build great societies.  Kindness is doing what it takes to make others be better over time, even if it doesn’t always feel like it in the moment.

Great relationships come from being grateful, of being appreciative and not taking others for granted.  Of consistently doing what is needed to show that you value them and want to keep them in your life for the long term.

Great companies are built off of being true.  To their mission.  To their employees and their customers, not just today but for decades to come so that there is honesty and sustainability in all they do.

And great people are built off of being mindful.  Mindful of others and their needs.  Mindful of our own needs, so that we can take care of ourselves today and our future selves.  Mindful of where we came through and what happened to us so we can grow into the best versions of ourselves, ones that we can love and allow others to love us as we live out all of these principles to create a better world.

It is the little things in our thoughts and actions that create the greatness in the world and the greatest of lives.