Little Eyes Are Watching

“My father didn’t tell me how to live. He lived and let me watch him do it.” –Clarence Budington Kelland

My father taught me to be a businessman without ever instructing me.  Yes, he taught me how to tie a tie (but not how to iron a shirt as my mom still joked about the scorch marks decades later), but he taught me how to balance confidence and humility, leadership and service and to be honest in all your dealings and words.

My father taught me about hard work without ever opening his mouth.  One of the proudest days of my life was when my sons and I spent an entire day in back breaking labor to take care of stuff at the family cabin and at the end of the day my dad said “Tell Liam he did a good job today.”  To which my son beamingly responded “I worked like a Templin.”  He modeled what my father had modeled for me.

Little eyes are always watching, always learning.  What are you showing them?