Freedom To Speak

“Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”

George Orwell

When Power is uncertain, it will hear no dissenting voices.  It will squash dissidents and any dissonance to its chorus of cloned voices, for it can not take questioning as it feeds off control.

When Power is ego driven as opposed to other driven, it can not be questioned and needs Yes Men and Women to stroke it and make it feel good about itself, instead of making it feel bad but become better as is needed for growth and evolution.

When Power is paranoid, anything out of lockstep is put down.  Especially questions, because that is where the true power lies.  Unity of action and speech and ultimately thought is how power tries to control the individual and subsume them into the faceless mass of servants.

Question Power.

Oppose Power.

Speak up and out against Power.

Challenge Power, because it is through the challenge and confrontation and questioning, we have accountability and openness and can improve life for all, not just those on their thrones or seats of Power.

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