Learn to Teach

“In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.”

– Phil Collins  “Son of Man”

There is an old principle that if you cannot teach something to another person, you don’t understand it well enough yourself.

My first year as a graduate student in physics I encountered this.  I had graduated early and was a teaching assistant for a senior level optics class that I had taken only a year earlier and had yet to take the dreaded but critical Electromagnetics graduate course, so my knowledge base while advanced was not where it should have been.  I also had a student whose fascination with optics rivalled my own who had immense intelligence and focus.  He had turned all his considerable mental faculties towards the subject and exhibited immense natural talent as a creative yet logical thinker. 

He was almost more than I could handle, and the first few weeks he really showed deep knowledge and curiosity, challenging me and I realized he was on the edge of my capability.

So I delved deeper and we explored concepts together.  I might have been the teaching assistant, but he was assisting in my learning and development as much as I was his.  He went on to do groundbreaking work, and I became a much better instructor and student.

I have experienced the same miracle repeatedly in the martial arts.

With my children.

In business.

Arrogance says “I’m in charge.  I’m the fount of knowledge.”  Curiosity and wisdom say “let’s learn together.”  The latter is more fun, more organic, and ultimately more satisfyingly effective.

I am still teaching, because it helps me to learn every day.  The student and the Master should always reside in the same spirit so that we can grow and share and expand the knowledge and wisdom of all.

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