Hey Coach!

“The day you hear someone call you ‘coach’ is the day you have made a difference in someone’s life.” — Mike Babcock

Those of us who are in a position of authority and guidance can change a person’s life, and we have an obligation to alter it for the better.

The Drill Sargent that turns a doughy recruit into a disciplined and reliable squad member.

The uncle that teaches you how to repair things, thus giving a level of confidence and independence that lasts a lifetime.

The aunt that teaches you how to cook, and all the life lessons of budgeting and health and operating from love that are so much more than making Grandma’s pistachio cake.

The den leader that a decade later has the formerly at-risk kid run up to them eagerly at graduation yelling “Scout Leader!  Scout Leader!  Look what I did!” and proudly hands you their high school diploma as their mother stands there with tears of joy.

Someone helped you become the person you are today, gave you guidance and the kick in the butt and support.  Who shared a vision as to what you could become, a path to get there, and accountability and companionship along the way.  Who believed in you more than you did.  That essentially adopted you and poured their experience and soul into you to help you become a better version of yourself.  They may have held titles like Professor or Master or Headmistress, you may have called them BA or Sir, but they will always be remembered in the end as “Coach”.

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