Be Bold But Stay Humble

“Be humble after but not during the action.” -Ernest Hemingway

When you stand on the edge, there is no time or room for doubt.  You merely do, and then think about it afterwards.

When the work needs to be done you do it, and then afterwards rarely discuss doing what had to be done and deflect praise.  This is how to operate in excellence like a hero, not seeking the limelight but rather to shine the light on others as the spotlight is distracting from doing the work.

Firefighters and soldiers rush into the danger to save another, and then say “just doing my job.”  They do not seek medals or attention but only to do what is right and protect those who cannot protect themselves. 

Hitting the game clinching home run gets the highlight reel and replays, but notice how often the team leader points out the great job of the pitchers or the defensive play of another, trying to share the glory instead of taking it all for themselves.

Be bold when need be.  But be humble after.