The Confidence To Be Wrong

“Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.”  -Peter T McIntyre

I mess up all the time.  It has led to some embarrassing moments for others, but for me it is all part of the exploration and discovery process of becoming better.

I ask stupid questions, because that is how you get clarity and build your knowledge base.

I throw out dumb ideas, because occasionally I’m not an idiot but a savant.

I try things to see what happens, such as mixing two foods.  Peanut butter with blueberries is good, peanut butter and broccoli not so much.  But you’ll never know until you try it.

The ability to be wrong and not be broken by it, to continue to experiment with yourself and your world is the difference between innovation and stagnation, for individuals and organizations.  Keep having the confidence to be wrong, because you’ll be right often enough to change the world.