Hateful Love

“From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate.” – Socrates

In the tale of Quasimodo, Archdeacon Frollo desires and is spurned by Esmerelda and tries to destroy her for his reputed lust.  This theme is repeated over and over throughout history, be it on the global stage or in the too common failed marriages. 

Love and hate are closely related, sister emotions that can step in to the other’s dress and place unexpectedly.  It is in our nature to feel deeply and to swing wildly, a survival mechanism from our protohuman days when our social brains developed to protect us.  This extremism in our relationships is a hardwired function that unfortunately is out of synch with society and technology that feeds us a constant stream of desires that can never be achieved, thus creating desire without fulfilment and thus slowly filling the mind with frustration, then anger, and ultimately hatred for that which we crave but cannot have.

Be careful what you desire.  The more you want, the more you will hunger for it and hurt yourself and others when you can’t have it.