Cosmic Order

“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”  -Carl Jung

Western culture has long sought absolutes while Eastern religions understand the balance needed.

It is the ability to bring forth order among chaos that the religions of the Fertile Crescent and later Judeo-Christian thought have centered their world view off of, and the European and American mindset that is the descendant of these religions’ views creation as an act of will and Nature to be subjugated to Man.  Contrast this with Zen, Hinduism, Buddhism, et. al. that see humans as a part of the grander scheme with the goal to live in harmony and balance with the world as opposed to in control of it.

Understanding the rules of science does not mean that we need to manipulate everything around us in an attempt to control the weather, reduce uncertainty, and impose control on a dynamic system that is complex beyond comprehension.  Yes, we can selectively cross breed fruits over hundreds of years to create broccoli and lemons, but this is not the playing of God and manipulating the molecules that control the genetic structure like a child tinkering with toys, because the outcomes are unforeseeable and the consequences of radical and rapid change potentially devastating.  Our attempts to impose our order on these systems can lead to abominations and disruptions of the natural order that we cannot undo.

This is not to say that we should not seek to comprehend and alter the world to improve the human condition, to reduce suffering and create beauty.  But we should understand that we are a part of the world as opposed to apart from it, and our unfettered imposition of ultimately unleashes the chaos we fear most.   

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