“There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” —Bruce Lee
In almost all endeavors, we reach the point of diminishing marginal returns where it takes more and more input for less and less improvement. We asymptotically approach a limit, and as we expend greater amounts of energy to create negligible returns the frustration can build.
Eventually we come to the conclusion that we can keep doing what we are doing and burn out trying to crack through the performance cap, or we can change. Radically, fundamentally change and change the game by changing our approach and perception.
The Fosbury Flop, changing the game in the high jump.
Ben Feldman, using a CB radio and mobile medical center to sell more insurance on his own than almost every company in America.
Metallica after Dave Mustaine was kicked out.
Over and over again, limits have been transcended by changing how we look at the problem and not being content with the current level.
Break on through the limits you’ve imposed upon yourself.