
28-Day Challenge

Original price was: $84.00.Current price is: $28.00.

Rome was not built in a day, nor did it fall in a day.  It is little actions over time that either build up or destroy.  Health.  Wealth.  Relationships.  Little daily choices make them worse, or better.  Chose better. 28 Days.  Four weeks to start to build a better future for yourself by making small, better choices.




Do you want to get better?  Like really better?

It isn’t going to happen through huge life-changing resolutions but through daily micro-changes in attitude and action that will compound over time.  Little nudges for better decisions lead to better thoughts and feelings nudging you to better decisions…

Join The Every Day Excellence 28 Growth Plan.  Start making the small adjustments that produce large results.

The 28-Day Growth Plan is basically your introduction to Human Kaizen, the concept of continuous personal improvement through tiny changes that add up to big results.

Rome was not built in a day, nor did it fall in a day.  It is little actions over time that either build up or destroy.  Health.  Wealth.  Relationships.  Little daily choices make them worse, or better.  Chose better.

28 Days.  Four weeks to start to build a better future for yourself by making small, better choices.

28 Days.  Only $3 $1 per day to start to improve multiple aspects of your life.

You’ll do the work, but we’ll show you the way to get going and give you guidance and support as you create a better you over the next month with better microchoices.  No big deal, no big commitment, or big changes to start being a little bit better every day.  Doing a few small things a little better every day is how you eventually become excellent.

Enroll in the Every Day Excellence 28-Day Growth Plan now!

Click here for your free CommitClub accountability tracker!