Every Day Thankful

“Although Thanksgiving comes but once a year, every day should be a day of thanks.” Monique Hammond

No, I don’t have the #1 Business Book out there.  But I am thankful for the opportunity to write and positively impact others.

No, I don’t have movie star good looks (unless you consider Freddie Kruger good looking) nor the dulcet soothing voice of Bob Ross.  But I am thankful I can still speak and am only mildly deformed after my mouth cancer scare.

I’m not Dean Karnazes, but I can still pound the pavement and glorify in being able to “run” even if I look more like a zombie than a deer.

As one of my much older friends told me long ago: I’m upright and taking nourishment, so it’s a good day.  Any day above ground is a day to be thankful for, and a chance to do something to show that appreciation.

Thank you for reading my blog.  Thank you for the chance to maybe make you laugh and hopefully think and be a bit better. 

Thank you.