
A Scout Is

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $12.00.

These 12 aspects of what a good Scout should be serve as ideals for us to work on and approach, standards of excellence that we can commit to which have secondary effects in other areas of our lives and positive impact for our Society.  In striving to be good Scouts we become better people, parents, partners, and servant leaders in our communities and careers.

When you enroll in A Scout Is, you will receive a daily email.  Read it over, think about it, and then re-read the quote and story of that Scout.  Let them be an example for you that particular day.  If you have a Scout in your home discuss it with them, or maybe someone else in your life that could use that insight.  By sharing the idea you will have a deeper understanding of it and be more likely to embody that aspect.  The daily contemplation and action will help you to better live the Scout motto “Be Prepared.”



Since its founding in England by Sir Robert Baden-Powell in 1907, Scouting has spread across the world with over 500 million youth participating in over 210 countries. It has produced countless leaders in every field because of how it develops young men and women.  At its best it teaches kids to become independent servant leaders and fosters friendships that last a lifetime.

The Scout Movement calls for “a voluntary non-political educational movement for young people, open to all without distinction of origin, race, or creed, in accordance with the purpose, principles and method conceived by the Founder”, with these principles (reflected in the current Scout Oath) of:

  1. Duty to God and Country
  2. Duty to Others
  3. Duty to Self

These principles are laid out more fully in The Scout Law, which all scouts from the smallest five-year-old Tiger Cub Scout through Eagle Scouts and adult volunteers memorize and are guided by.  This guiding statement is “A Scout Is TRUSTWORTHY, LOYAL, HELPFUL, FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS, KIND, OBEDIENT, CHEERFUL, THRIFTY, BRAVE, CLEAN, REVERENT.”  These 12 aspects of what a good Scout should be serve as ideals for us to work on and approach, standards of excellence that we can commit to which have secondary effects in other areas of our lives and positive impact for our Society.  In striving to be good Scouts we become better people, parents, partners, and servant leaders in our communities and careers.

The “A Scout Is” twelve-day training session is designed to explore each of the components of the Scout Law with an example of a Scout that has embodied that principle in their life, and expand the discussion so that you can find some areas of your life that you can apply this aspect to improving on that particular day.  We are not looking for world altering paradigm shifts or radical changes at any point, but the small positive actions hopefully will compound to make you more aware and Scout-like in your words and deeds so that over time you can have massive positive impact on yourself and those around you.  It is the little things that build big things, the individual Lego blocks that form huge creations.  The individual thoughts and choices that build our futures.  I want you to remember the fundamental building blocks of being a good leader of yourself and those who look to you.

As a commitment to Scouting, 30% of the revenue from this program is donated to support the programs that are critical to our future.  20% goes to regional/National programs for scholarships and direct upkeep of Camps (Camp Wakpominee and others) and 10% to local groups (such as Pack 4002 and Troop 2 in Ballston Spa).  The short-term revenue and long-term behavioral change from this program is an investment in the future.  When you enroll in the A Scout Is 12 Day program, please list your Unit (Troop or Pack) and/or your favorite camp to have our donations allocated back properly.  If nothing is input the default will be our local programs listed previously.

When you enroll in A Scout Is, you will receive a daily email.  Read it over, think about it, and then re-read the quote and story of that Scout.  Let them be an example for you that particular day.  If you have a Scout in your home discuss it with them, or maybe someone else in your life that could use that insight.  By sharing the idea you will have a deeper understanding of it and be more likely to embody that aspect.  The daily contemplation and action will help you to better live the Scout motto “Be Prepared.”

Thank you for your commitment to becoming a better version of yourself and for helping Scouts everywhere.


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