“It is better to have less thunder in the mouth, and more lightning in the hand.” Apache saying Elvis sang…
“Milk and honey have different colors, but they share the same house peacefully.” African Proverb Just because something is different…
“Dawn will come, even if the rooster is strangled.” Korean saying Killing the messenger does not prevent the news from…
“The truth is told in jokes.” Romanian saying When I was in graduate school my best friend put on some…
“Measuring things brings knowledge.” Dutch saying How often have you made an assumption, and been wildly wrong? Probably more often…
“A good friend is the best mirror.” Irish saying One of the things about humans is our forward oriented eyesight,…
“The most powerful weapon to prove your point is your silence.” Sukant Ratnakar Lao Tzu observed: he who knows need…
“My education was another weapon…” Sarah J Maas Few of us are born into wealth, but we can become rich…
“Knowledge will always be the best weapon against tyrants.” Mercedes Lackey The greatest disinfectant is sunlight, burning away the root…
“The tongue is a soft weapon that kills subtly.” Jaime Teorio Valenzuela A whispered word brings down kingdoms. One phrase…